Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Gender Predictions | Old Wives' Tales

We have our anatomy scan this week, so in just a few short days, we'll know once and for all whether Max will have a little brother or sister. Our family and friends have had a great time speculating for the past 4 months whether there's a little gent or a little lady growing in my belly. I thought it would be fun to put some old wives' tales to the test to see what they collectively predict. We'll know soon whether their predictions are correct!

Boy or Girl? Old Wives' Tales for Gender Prediction

Chinese Gender Chart:  I consulted 3 different websites for a Chinese gender prediction chart. They take the mother's age at conception, along with either the month of conception or the baby's due date, and give you a prediction. 2 said girl, 1 said boy.
Verdict: Girl

Wedding Band Test: Place your wedding band on a loop of string and hang it over your belly. If the ring swings back and forth, you've got a girl. If it goes in a circle, you're having a boy. It swung in a circle.
Verdict: Boy

Needle and Thread Test: Similar to the test above, but opposite predictions (weird, right?). Hold a needle dangling from thread above the palm of your hand. If the needle swings in a circle, you're having a girl. If it swings back and forth, you're having a boy. This test was performed on me by two different ladies at Victor's cousin's baby shower. Both times, the needle swung in a circle. (It swung back and forth for Victor's cousin. They're not finding out their baby's gender, but according to this test, a boy is on his way in February!)
Verdict: Girl

Baby's heart rate: above 140 bpm or below 140 bpm. At each appointment, baby's heart rate has been between 150 and 160 beats per minute.
Verdict: Girl

Mom's hair: dull and limp or thick and glossy. I was still losing a lot of hair due to postpartum hair loss when I got pregnant this time. I'm not losing as much hair, but still lose some. My hair doesn't have much body, and it's not too shiny, either. But it's always been that way. I really haven't noticed much of a change from what my hair usually looks like.
Verdict: Inconclusive

Cravings: sweet or salty. My cravings haven't been too strong this time around. The biggest craving I've had is for a bagel and cream cheese after seeing someone eating one in a movie. What do carbs fall under???
Verdict: Inconclusive

Sleeping position: right or left side. Now that I can't sleep on my stomach anymore, I usually sleep on my left side.
Verdict: Boy

Bump: High or low. I feel like I'm carrying right in the middle at this point. Might be too early to tell.
Verdict: Inconclusive

Skin: breaking out or blemish free. I've been breaking out more during this pregnancy than I'm used to.
Verdict: Girl

Toddler boy's interest in belly: This was for realz on a list of gender prediction items I saw. If a toddler boy (must be boy, doesn't have to be your own child) shows interest in your belly, you're carrying a girl. If he couldn't care less, it's a boy. Max loves to kiss my belly and hasn't tried to blow a raspberry on it at all.
Verdict: Girl

Morning sickness: yes or no. I was fairly nauseous during the first trimester. I never actually got sick, but I felt pretty rotten.
Verdict: Girl

Hands: soft or dry. Up until recently, they've been very soft, even without the help of lotion. They're getting drier now. This could be due to the cold weather, but we'll say it's a predictor.
Verdict: Boy

Balance: graceful or clumsy. Haven't done much tripping or falling at all.
Verdict: Girl

Demeanor: moody or pleasant. Definitely moody, much to Victor's dismay.
Verdict: Girl

Big brother's prediction: Ok, this one I totally made up. I drew a pink bow and a blue bow tie on a piece of paper and asked Max "Which one is for the baby?" He pointed to the pink bow and scribbled all over the bow tie. I later circled the pink bow for emphasis. Obviously he wants a sister.
Verdict: Girl

Girl: 9
Boy: 3
Inconclusive: 3

I must say, if we're expecting a boy, these old wives' tales are gonna have some 'splainin' to do! Look for a post later this week to find out what we're having!

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